Webtoon’s to Start/Catch Up On

Ah, how we love our list of thing I plan on doing but never follow through with…

(and why I’m speaking in third person we’ll never know…)

Really short, fun little post, but! Per my 2021 goals and aspirations, I wanted to consume more kinds of media. T.V. shows, movies, anime, audiobooks…. THE WORKS. Yet, I forgot to mention Webtoons in that post. Now, 2019 was a BIG webtoon year for me. I mean staying up late on work nights binging and giggling like a little girl over these things… and then I fell off. Because I was getting too attached.

However, screw the negativity– I need to starting finishing what I started. I don’t want to overwhelm myself, so I’m starting off with four.

Gourmet Hound

This was probably my favorite Webtoon at the time (and maybe my favorite on this list?) But, we all know messy found families are my thing and this definitely delivered… but I got scared?

Once I had caught up, I lied to myself promised I’d stay on track… and didn’t. And since the Webtoon is completed… binging shall ensue.

I mean look at them… adorable bastards.

Purple Hyacinth

I had been here for this one from the beginning. I mean when it was one story, the author scrapped it and started another one… but I don’t think I made it far into the renovated story. Not saying it was bad! I actually really liked it.

I fell off sadly, so there are a lot more episodes… but, the color palette and the artstyle in general… GORGEOUS.

Midnight Poppy Land

Now, I hadn’t actually started this one yet. I had seen it on Instagram, it looked interesting and I saved it on my subscribed list thingy. Obviously, I had let it sit there and as I was going through my list for material for this list, it caught my eye. And went oh? we love a good romance and the tattoos are a definite plus…

Listen, I have no shame… give me all of the trope-y goodness.

Third Shift Society

I initially wasn’t going to add this one on this list, because I thought it was an abandoned project, right? But, I went on Instagram and saw there would be a season two and got really happy. This story seemed so unique and 100% up my alley?? I didn’t make it very far into the webtoon, so another one I will definitely binge late into the night.

Unlike the others, I will be starting this one from the beginning, at the time there were only two episodes live– so it won’t feel like I’m rereading what I already knew.

Recommend me a Webtoon! Have you read any of these? Did you like them? Let me know in the comment below!

4 thoughts on “Webtoon’s to Start/Catch Up On”

  1. I haven’t read these webtoons but I’m definitely excited to start them! Recently, I’ve been trying to catch up with the True Beauty release so that I can watch the drama too, haha. Odd Girl Out is a really good webtoon too and it’s still updating weekly. I also love Tower of God, I Love Yoo and Let’s Play but they are all on hiatus…

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