The Awesome Blogger Award

Yes, we’re continuing the catch up August aesthetic. Thank you Ally! It’s been a while since you tagged me… BUT I’M HERE NOW 😀 .


  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Tag it under #awesomebloggeraward
  • Answer the questions asked.
  • Nominate at least five awesome bloggers.
  • Give your nominees ten questions.
  • Let your nominees know that they’ve been nominated.

coffee divider

Ally’s questions:

If you could only read one 2018 release, which would it be?

bridge of clay by markus zusak

I won’t say Muse of Nightmares I swear I’m going to have to go with Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak because… DO I NOT SCREAM MY LOVE FOR HIM ALL THE TIME?

What’s one series you’d like to turn into a TV show?

warcross marie lu

HBO? Pick up the Warcross duology. Can you imagine? Think of the Ghost in the Shell graphics… but a a show on HBO???

ghost in a shell.gif

Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones?

A lot of TEDTalks about psychology, The DeadMeat podcats for horror movies and 88CupsofTea 😉 .

Do you have any weird hobbies?

weaving loom

I used to weave on one of these things? I don’t know if they’re not being sold anymore because I can’t find them anywhere, but… that’s a thing… I used to do and still probably can do…

What’s your favourite animal?

origami fox.jpg

If you get the Furthermore reference, we’re best friends now

Foxes. Hands down. They are my spirit animal.

Describe your dream reading room.

reading room.jpg

Imagine that, but with bookshelves going around the window.

Who’s your favourite author?

I mention them all the time, but V.E. Schwab, Leigh Bardugo, Lani Taylor.

If you could travel anywhere with any book character, where and who?

six of crows nina and mattias


My girl Nina Zenik; I’d follow her anywhere ❤ .

What’s your go-to Starbucks (or other coffee shop) order?

Almond milk macchiato with cinnamon on top. Or in the summer, a honey frappuccino.

Are there any books on your TBR that you probably will never read but you convince yourself you will?


Reviews: Nevernight; Furthermore; The Diabolic

Godsgrave, Whichwood, The Empress… but you didn’t hear that from me

But it’s a shame because I have reviews for their respective first books T_T

I’m going to be using Ally’s questions (I hope you don’t mind!)

Guess who I’m tagging…?

*You don’t have to do this tag, you hard feelings at all 🙂 *

Talk to Me

What’s a book you’d love to see as a T.V. show? Let me know if you did this tag, I’d love to see your answers!

coffee name

16 thoughts on “The Awesome Blogger Award”

  1. I got that Furthermore reference and that Fox is cute but evil! Also I need to read Whichwood too and I still have to read Wildcard. Legit every time I go to the bookstore they don’t have Wildcard and it’s getting ridiculous 🙃

    Liked by 1 person

      1. But the fact that the fox just almost took Alice’s arm off when it looked so innocent. Hmph. Bad fox. But true you don’t expect a fox to have a deep voice XD

        Yea I feel you. There are too many series that I have to catch up on.

        Liked by 1 person

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