Books I Want to Read, but Don’t Want To Tag

If this title doesn’t scream truth at everyone here, you’re lying. Stop it.

But, I saw this on Meghan’s blog and it looked like a lot of fun… and not only have I been slacking on my tags, I need to get my mind off of things.

The Rules:

  • Link back to the original tag (this post ❤ )
  • Complete the questions with books you want to have read but don’t want to read
  • Tag some people at the end to do the tag next

I don’t want to be a repetitive Nancy, but I have a feeling that all of these questions are just going to be me saying that’s ALL of the books so, I’ll just get that out of the way now.

A book that you feel you need to read because everyone talks about it

I know majority of people will have done this, I know when I was first getting into the bookish community, I was a bit of a sponge when it came to books. I’ve slowed down a bit, but if you’re persuasive enough….

I’m going to go with These Violent Delights, I’m not the biggest Romeo & Juliet retellings fan, but it sounds fun and angst-y and all that good stuff… and it came in an Owlcrate box, so I have no excuse now.

A book that’s really long

Considering the fact that I tend to gravitate towards long books, I can firmly say ALL OF THEM.

I’m joking, I’m joking, but the first one that pops up on my Goodreads shelf is Crescent City. Luckily, this was a Kindle sale and I bought it.

Don’t know when I’ll get to it, but I have it in my arsenal.

A book you’ve owned / had on your TBR for too long

Going back to Goodreads, The Lost Codex has been an OG since Mar. 10, 2016. And considering I cleaned my shelf out last year, this one’s staying.

I used to talk about this one a lot back in the day, but after the cliffhanger that was the third book, this one has been sitting on my Nook since its release date??? Because I’m Scared??? How could you do this to me???

I know the last book is going to break me.

A book that intimidates you

*don’t say all of them don’t say all of them*

I’m going to choose a book I physically own, The Project by Courtney Summers.

I had won a giveaway for the ARC, not knowing the premise but loving her previous book Sadie yet we all know how I feel about cults. And we all know how her books tend to emotionally drains people.

I just need to mentally prepare myself for this read.

A book that you think might be slow

I feel like A Vow so Bold and Deadly might be a bit slow, considering my experience with A Heart so Fierce and Broken.

I won’t say book two was a struggle to get through… I just feel like it lost the magic that book one built up. And considering how book two ended…

I’m kind of nervous for the ending, but I’m like that with all endings, so there’s that.

A book you need to be in the right mood for

I have to concede and say all of the books for this one. I am a mood reader at heart, so if I’m not in the mood…

A book you’re unsure if you will like

I am SO sorry, but Skyhunter? By Marie Lu?? I won’t lie, her Sci-Fi’s don’t hit for me.

If you’ve seen my reviews for both Legend and Warcross, they were okay for me? Maybe my expectations were too high and I know I shouldn’t be comparing the potential of Skyhunter to these two, but I am merely human.

However, I will still give it a chance, because the cover is quite gorgeous and I love her as a writer and a fellow human being ❤ .

I’m going to tag…

Let me know some super scary books on your TBR’s and let me know if you did the tag, I’d love to see your answers!

13 thoughts on “Books I Want to Read, but Don’t Want To Tag”

  1. This tag feels like my mood coming into 2021 haha! great answers, I have the same feelings towards Skyhunter even though I have the audiobook & really have no excuse not to give a go. Crescent City is THICK but she goes quick haha! Happy reading 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m seeing more people actually get to reading/reviewing it and enjoying the story. Some are saying it could’ve been shorter but I’m hopeful it will be a solid read *fingers crossed* 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. i feel the same about crescent city hahaha i keep putting off reading it because i’m afraid it’ll take me too long ahhh. the same goes for the poppy war oops, kinda hesitant to pick it up bc it feels huge and idk if i’m going to like it as much as everyone did


  3. Thank you so much for tagging me because this tag seems really fun and captures 99% of my reading mood!!! 😂 I really want to read The Priory of the Orange Tree, but a) it’s LONG b) it seems slow? a lot of people commended the world building which might make the plot a bit slow and c) I need to be in the right mood for it 😂

    Liked by 1 person

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