Current Favorites {#3} || Sugar High, Coffee and Tiramisu

current faves

Every time I write one of these post, I tend to start them off with I was feeling passionate and then erase it XD That’s the tag line for all of this.

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Good Night – John Legend ft. BloodPop®

This is such a feelgood  song and the video made me grin so wide ❤ . John Legend is a favorite of mine (Ordinary People anyone?) so whenever he comes out with something new, I’m here for it. It’s been on replay for this whole month #sorrynotsorry

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Tiramisu Cheescake

Isn’t it beautiful? ❤

So, earlier in the month, my mother finally had the experience of The Cheesecake Factory. She got the strawberry cheesecake and I decided to try something new: the Tiramisu cheesecake. My sister raves about Tiramisu and I’ve never had it, so why not experience it as a cheesecake? Guys… it taste like coffee and heaven.

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I don’t actually have a gummyworm preference.

Confession, I have an addiction to gummyworms. Like, an actual addiction. I was craving some so bad earlier in the month, my stomach was hurting. My sister stated that I got mad when my mother wouldn’t pick me up some (it’s not the full story, but you get my point). So, she tends to buy me these big bags of them? Look, I know she enabling the addiction, but… they’re gummyworms.


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24/7 Lofi Hip Hop Radio

It’s on Youtube and I would link you to a specific one, but I found it by accident and there are so many of them. It’s so soothing and if I didn’t worry about running my data up, I’d never turn it off.

Actually, I will link you the two that I mainly listen to (I don’t have a preference).

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Talk to Me

Have you had any gummy worms this month? What’s your favorite cheesecake? Let me know in the comments below!

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