The Blog Glo Up… despite my inactivity

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! 

I was going to do a holiday themed… post, but I’m not really a festive person to begin with and I actually didn’t realize it was a holiday until last minute.

So, I’ve been blogging since September 1st, 2017 (that’s 1.5 years) and you could say things have changed.

Was that too corny? 

And this tag is kinda perfect? Thank you Avery for tagging me, it’s been a while.


  1. Credit the original creator, whatthelog
  2. Answer the questions!
  3. Tag as many or as few people as you like

When did you start your blog?

Oh…. kinda spoiled it up there in the beginning.

Why did you create your blog?

I talk a little about this last year around this time weird coincidence but I’ll expand: I was a 17 year, homeschool anxious girl who was bored and read too much. So one day, I on a whim made a blog, had a freak out and didn’t show anyone for a week. After said week, I made said blog public.

The end.

What was your first post about?

It was a review! I believe it was Shadow and BoneSee, my favorite kind of post to read from other blogs is reviews, so I was super motivated to be able to eloquently articulate myself and express my feelings since talking is a no go from me.

Have you had any significant design or name changes? 

Oh definitely. 

I went from this-


To where I am now. I also had a different blog name for said invisible week before I just… wasn’t feeling it.

And I'll never tell you what it was. 

I do plan on paying someone to make me a better header, but for now I’ve been doing okay??

What has been the biggest change to your blog’s content?

Not uploading daily? And the lack of weekly memes. Because in a way, I wan =t to fall back since I graduated highschool and I should be working soon… I need to prepare for when I won’t have all of the free time in the world without getting anxious.

Who or what has been the biggest influence on your blogging journey? 

In the beginning, it was Alyssa @Eater of Books, The Bandar Blog, Joey @Thoughts and Afterthoughts, Molly @Mollys Book Nook and Dear Author.

I haven't actually interacted with any of them I'm an anxious bean) but I could not thank them enough ❤ 

But honestly, I’ve interacted with so many lovely people who have influenced a lot of Flying Paperbacks, I can’t name you all, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

If before you started you could look at your blog now, what would surprise you the most? 

The fact that I actually get views?? And at how nice it looks?? I mention often how much I’m not creative???

No, I’d probably be surprised at how many ARC’s I get. From someone who never thought I’d actually get them, physical or not, this was a surprise.

What personal milestone have you hit that makes you the proudest? 

Hitting the amount of followers I have now, or having any followers in general.

If you haven’t notice, I started this blog with the lowest expectations.

What do you see next for your blog? 

I want to get better at interacting with author. I’m talking author interviews, speaking to them on social media, you know, the works.

I also kind of want to get more personal with you all. I’ve dabbled in it and usually I get a really good response.

Guess who I tag…?

Don't feel like you have  to do this tag ❤ . 

Tell me something you used to do when you first started blogging and let me know if you did the tag, I’d love to see your answers!

10 thoughts on “The Blog Glo Up… despite my inactivity”

  1. Awww thanks for the tag, love! ❤ I started my blog as an anxious, 16-year-old homeschooled girl with nothing better to do with my free time, so I feel ya! Haha! I want to improve my (non-existent) author relations too! I'm hoping to conduct some author interviews at some point this year.

    You and your blog have grown so much LaRonda and I hope it continues to receive all the more praise and love this year! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for tagging me! and don’t worry, we’ve all be anxious beans at some point. These are all great answers and I’m excited to participate.

    Liked by 1 person

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