The Leibster Award


I got nominated for an award a week ago but we’re not going to go into it! Everytime I do, I’m always in disbelief. Thank you so much Larissa! Yes, you should check her blog out, it’s way more organized than mine XD. So, without further ado, let’s answer these questions:

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Story behind your blog name?

I want to give this amazing story on how the name just came to me, but I just put two names together randomly because I wasn’t feeling the original name I came up with.

What is one of your favourite blogs? Share the love!

There are so many O.O But, if I had to pick only one, it’d be Eater of Books blog. She kind of inspired me to start the whole blogging thing (she doesn’t know this but… yeah 🙂 ).

Would you like to become an author, if so what genre would you write about?

I always say I’m not creative enough to become an author, though if I had the skills, I’d love to write Magical Realism or Fantasy.

A book you’re most excited to FINALLY get to this year.

More recently the Saga series. I just finished the first one and I. AM. IN. LOVE.

If you could choose one book being released in 2018 to get for free, what would it be?

This is such a difficult question… you’re only asking for one?! I’m going to go for a newer release and say The Prince and the Dressmaker because I have been raving about this book since I found out about it.

What book world would you most like to be transported to?

Weep from Strange the Dreamer. Or anywhere Lazlo is ❤ .

Favourite female character?

It’s a three-way tie between Lila (ADSoM), Nina (SoC) and Yael (Wolf by Wolf).

Favourite male character?

Todd from The Chaos Walking trilogy. But we don’t talk about him unless you want tears T_T

Short term goal for the year?

Right now, it’s to graduate if I’m honest. I’ve been losing steam and I can’t afford to do that right now. I only have to make it to May though so… wish me luck.

Long term goal?

(Answering this question made me realize how much I don’t think about or make goals… huh…) I guess be wholly and unequivocally myself. I’ve been working on it and have been doing pretty okay 🙂 .

One weird thing about you.

This is a recent thing, but I forgot how to make cookies for a minute. Our oven wasn’t working for a while, so I completely forgot. I spent a month burning cookies… it was sad.

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And now for my questions:

What made you start blogging?

Your feelings on DNFing?

How do you choose when to buy a paperback vs. a hardcover?

Weirdest book you’ve ever read?

Your favorite Spring season meal?

Who’s an author you’d love to co-write a book with?

Any pets?

What’s the most recent book you’ve bought only because of the cover?

Any hobbies other than reading?

If you could travel anywhere with any character, where would you go and with who?

How are you feeling about 2018 so far?

Nomination Time:

Anyone who I haven’t tagged that wants to do this, you are officially tagged by yours truly! Cheers X.

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