Top Ten of 2017- Best Diverse Reads

Top Ten

The Top Ten of 2017 is being hosted by Rachel from FiktshunBridget from Dark Faerie TalesNancy & Christy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader,  Fallon from Seeing Double in Neverland and the lovely ladies at Take Me Away To A Great Read!

For this one, I got the chance to pick my own topic and decided to go with diverse reads. I mean, this was the year I started actively going for more diverse books, so I thought the subject would be fitting :).

Disclaimer:Not all of these were published in 2017. If there are repeats from other post’ …apologies.

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Daughter of the Burning City – Amanda Foody

 Our main character (and just about every person in Gommorah) is bisexual, the love interest is on the ace spectrum, her sister is lesbian and NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT IT. It’s never treated as a super special oh my god look a gay person type of thing. It’s normal and all books should be this way.

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City of Saints and Thieves – Natalie C. Anderson

The book is set in a fictional city in Kenya, so almost everyone is black. And our main characters friend is gay and is masculine which is a hell yes. Breaking out of the stereotypical sassy gay trope is a win in my book.


Freed by Flame and Storm { Bound by Blood and Sand #2 } – Becky Allen

As shown on the cover, our main character is black; the majority of the cast is a POC actually. In fantasy, I started to notice the lack of representation which is crazy… so this was a breath of fresh air.

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Traitor to the Throne { Rebel of the Sands #2 } – Alwyn Hamilton

If you guys haven’t noticed, my favorite character is a genderfluid shapeshifter. So….

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Warcross { Warcross #1 } – Marie Lu

Everyone is diverse, guys. The team leader is in a wheelchair, we have gay characters, our main character is Chinese-American I believe ? (If wrong, please let me know!)

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Binti { Binti #1 } – Nnedi Okorafor

Binti not only tells the constraints of sticking to culture, but venturing off while still appreciating and loving where you come from. I waited too long to read this.


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Wonder Woman: Warbringer { DC Icons #1 } – Leigh Bardugo

The squad is amazing. We have Nim- fat, black lesbian designer, Alia and her brother are both Greek/Black and Theo is also black. We have talks about race in society and feminism and everything you could ever need.

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The Language of Thorns – Leigh Bardugo

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One of my favorite stories in the book ❤


I shall show you why I chose this book through visual aid (And to convince you to read this book if you haven’t already because of the gorgeous art).




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The Ship Beyond Time { The Girl From Everywhere #2 } – Heidi Heilig

Can you believe this came out this year? It feels like so long ago… Anyway, everyone in this book is diverse. EVERYONE.


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Our Dark Duet { Monsters of Verity } – Victoria Schwab

We have a genderfluid monster, August’ mom is black and Kate is deaf in one ear. #WIN.

Talk to Me

Any good diverse reads I missed? Let me know in the comments below!

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