Top Ten 2017 – Best Book Covers of 2017

Top Ten

The Top Ten of 2017 is being hosted by Rachel from FiktshunBridget from Dark Faerie TalesNancy & Christy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader,  Fallon from Seeing Double in Neverland and the lovely ladies at Take Me Away To A Great Read!

This was hard. The cover gods were ever so present this year. Never the less, I managed to contain it to the limit of 10.

Disclaimer: If you see repeats… Apologies.

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Strange the Dreamer { Strange the Dreamer #1 } – Laini Taylor

The blue and gold and the moths and the shiny. Don’t forget the foil on the paperback. I choose between the U.S. and U.K. version… I’ll just buy both. #problemsolved




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Speak Easy, Speak Love – McKelle George

Yes, this was a cover buy. No, I’m not ashamed. It also doesn’t hurt that it’s pink? I don’t have an affinity to pink, it just most of the books on my shelve range from red, blue and black.




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Now I Rise { The Conqueror’s Saga #2 } – Kiersten White

Whoever is doing these covers, DO NOT STOP. They’re so symbolic and detailed and  dark. If you haven’t noticed, I tend to gravitate towards darker covers… bad habit of mine.


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Always and Forever Lara Jean {To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before #3 } – Jenny Han

The model on this cover is so pretty and it’s very aesthetically pleasing. Exactly what I look for in contemporaries ❤ .




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A Crown of Wishes { The Star Touched Queen #2 } – Roshani Chokshi

Something about this color… Green is a very wishy washy color for me unless it’s a forest green (like such) And the dress? If I wore dresses, that’d be the one.



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The Bone Witch { The Bone Witch #1 } – Rin Chupeco

In the past year, me and purple have been getting along. And it’s a dark purple (remember: dark covers)? To top it off, it has a creepy vibe to it with the girl isolated on a cliff overlooking the ocean.




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The Ship Beyond Time { The Girl From Everywhere #2 } – Heidi Heilig

Simplistic covers are my jam. Always and forevahhh ☜(ˆ˘ˆ) .




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Flame in the Mist { Flame in the Mist #1 } – Renne Ahdieh

My favorite thing about this cover is the phoenix. And the font. And the dark background. It’s all about the contrast, makes everything pop.




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Caraval { Caraval #1 } – Stephanie Garber

This is another one of those situations where I can’t decide between the U.S. or U.K. version. Doesn’t matter, I shall buy them both 🙂 .



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Hunted – Meagan Spooner

Deep forest greeeeeen. In a forest, no less. I like that not a lot is happening, yet it kind of is? Am I making sense? I swear I know what I’m talking about.



Talk to Me

Any beautiful covers that I missed? Let me know in the comments below!

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